Friday, March 26, 2010

Busy much!

Wow, its been a whirl wind of a couple of weeks since my last post. New job, different hours, and the unknown of what time I will be getting off daily. Needless to say it has come with some adjustments and I think I am finally settling in a bit. The thing that I have had to remember is preperation is the key to sucess. You have to plan out and prepare for the day ahead or you will fall short of your goals. Food prep is the biggest issue that we all face that are trying to live a healthy lifestyle. I carry the biggest "lunch" cooler on the planet and everyone at work makes fun or has something to say about it. I don't mind because carrying that much food/fuel with me keeps my energy up and I don't fall victim to all of the horrible choices that we drive by all day long. I know some of you struggle with your eating but know that it is intirely possible to stay on track, it is a simple as preparing the night before. I say simply but it is not easy. It takes dedication and a will to sucseed to get it done. I get up at 4:30 every morning and as soon as I am off of my day job it's strait to the gym. I don't usually get home till about 8:30 or so in the evening. That take a lot of planning and leaves little time to do much else.

How dedicated are you. Will you be complacent in your current state or change your behaveours to get to the next level. I am here to tell you that complacency is the slow death of everything that we are meant to be! CHOOSE THIS DAY!!! Everyone has what it take but it will always require sacrafice. Are you ready to LIVE, it's all about the journey and I can't wait to see where mine takes me. Hope to see you along the way.

Hold the Line!

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