Friday, January 22, 2010

Get inspired!!

This post is about motivation and inspiration. I have been lacking in motivation lately and was searching everywhere trying to find it. It wasn't that long ago that I was ready to take on the world and crush every WOD put on the board. Recently I found myself dreading the work out along with everyday tasks that I usually have no problem or issue with. So I sat down the other day to find out why/where my vigor for life had gone and how to get it back. In doing so I started reading blogs and post on the Internet that I used to follow all of the time that gave me plenty of motivation. While I was reading them I realized that I had changed up my daily habits and had not been taking the time to work on me and my mental focus. I was so distracted with getting "things" done that I had completely neglected all of the sources that I used to get my inspiration from in turn leading to my down attitude.
Always walk toward the light and away from the darkness. More often than not average people will always have average dreams and hopes. These average people may not understand you not settling for average and try to put doubts in your mind. If you are steadfast in your goals and strive for excellence you can achieve it. Do not deviate from you plan and keep pushing forward. This applies to even the simplest of goals. How you get there is often more important than the destination its self. Keep your head up and always look for what motivates YOU!!! You hold the key to your success, no one else does. Therefore it is your actions that matter not the actions of others.



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